I’ll be attending the first ever PIX (Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo) show all weekend in downtown Pittsburgh. @ Guardian Storage Building-Â Saturday and Sunday 10-5pm – Details here: www.pixcomics.com Admission is free, so if you’re in the area, stop on by!
I’ll be debuting a new webcomic series at the show, (you can see it up there in my menu called 22panels) – I’ve only printed 22 copies of the special mini comic have been printed for the show. It’s based on Wally Wood’s 22 Panels that always work… I kinda figured it would be cool to convert it into a challenge of sorts to tell a story with the “rules” of each panel in order. Check it out…
I also collected a hodge podge of old mini comics and published work of mine to put on sale. Found a couple sets of Monkey Man Unleashed I did with Brian Lynch back in the day…. some Lionxor…Crackurz… Yirmumah… just a box of random stuffage from me.
Gonna be nice to finally have a group of all the Pittsburgh comic folks together in one place. If yinz didn’t know, Pittsburgh has quite the community of indy comic creators. Stop by and say hello.