Coming very soon (and actually available on the Android Market already, Kindle in a few days) is my “Law of Attraction” graphic novel for SmarterComics.  You can use this method of thinking to literally attract ANYTHING you want into your life. Also a great gift to give to people you know who might be struggling a bit. This book easily helps you change the way you think and get rid of the negative in your life and focus and attract more of what you want, less of what you don’t. Old Yirmumah fans will have a treat as the narrator is “Drew” and “Bob” is used as the everyman “born loser”– check it out!

I’m back to drawing daily comics again! Hooray! Here’s what’s what:

Mon-Wed-Fri @

Tues & Thurs @

I’m still coaching some clients for the “Cash 4 Cartoonists” ebook privately. I was thinking about taking down the “coaching” edition because my time is getting a bit limited, but decided to keep it up. In fact if you’re a past buyer of the “coaching edition” make sure you are signed up on the “Awesome List” — I’ll be sharing my journey and behind the scenes business stuff with you while I work on my new Trader Don’s comic.


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