Ally says to me… “Hey, I just saw on Facebook that HULK has a beard???” Lo and behold he does indeed have beard and a fantastic mustache to match. But I couldn’t help but think…. what the heck is up with his hand??? I know, I know, the whole “I’M POWERFUL!!!” hand pose…. but to m It looks like he’s holding something…
So I then had to make him holding something…
And then I realized he kinda looks a little like Santa Claus…. SANTA HULK, GO!!!
I figured what the heck, I’d actually put the photoshop file together for any fellow artists who want to join in on the fun. There’s a layer you simply pop things into his hand. There is also an optional Santa hat you can turn off and on. You can download the PSD file here. (dropbox link)
If you’re feeling it, go ahead and hashtag it on social media…. #hulkholds or #SantaHulk so everyone can find em on twitter, tumblr or whatever.
Apologies to Peter David, George Perez and Marvel Comics. You are all amazing.
I think he needs yoga pants and ugg boots in the pumpkin spice one.
I’m almost positive that image is by Dale Keown (of Pitt fame) and not George Perez.