by DJ Coffman | Jan 29, 2011 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, Inspirations
Comic creators, and aspiring comic creators, Eric Powell of THE GOON fame lays it all out for you… You know, I’ve been telling all my friends and colleagues this stuff for years. I get asked the question a lot… DJ, why didn’t you take your...
by DJ Coffman | Jan 14, 2011 | Before Coffee, ebooks, Inspirations
In the comic news I’ve seen some conversation about some bigger creators (like Mark Millar) not wanting to sell through Apple or other services that take a big cut of your profits. There’s good reason to be skeptical because these services don’t...
by DJ Coffman | Jan 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
I want to blog more, I really do… it’s just that I find myself spending more time on actual production of things behind the scenes. Ironic that I find myself blogging LESS when I take the advice of other productive minds that I follow. Actually, I’m...
by DJ Coffman | Dec 29, 2010 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks, Inspirations, Parenting, Roller Derby, Tattoo
Only a couple days left in 2010. Every year around this time for the past 12 years I’ve written a blog recap of the years highlights and low lights. It’s hard for me to go month to month, so I’ll just randomly blabber about things that stick out to...
by DJ Coffman | Dec 3, 2010 | Before Coffee, Inspirations, Tattoo
The Wally Wood’s 22 Panels That Always Work tattoo sleeve is pretty much done. One more sitting to do clean up and extra shading. Here’s a look above. I will post “professional” quality pics when we take them in a month or so from the tattoo...