My decade in webcomics (comics)

Saw the suggestion over on about writing about your past decade in webcomics (if you’ve been around that long!) – Sheesh, it seems more and more things are making me feel OLD lately, even though I’ll only be 35 in January. Either way, I...

Dead things…

It must be that time of year… can’t stop thinking about zombies. Especially around the Pittsburgh area where the whole undead culture was born. In planning projects for 2011, Zombieopolis came back up. It was a comic self published back in 1999 after it...

PIX Comic Show Re-Cap

In late summer my old friend Jim Rugg asked me if I’d be interested in attending a small show of Pittsburgh area creators… it wouldn’t be a HUGE thing, just a gathering of like minds, good conversation and craft… A couple months go by and PIX...

See you at PIX

I’ll be attending the first ever PIX (Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo) show all weekend in downtown Pittsburgh. @ Guardian Storage Building-  Saturday and Sunday 10-5pm – Details here: Admission is free, so if you’re in the area, stop...

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