by DJ Coffman | Jun 22, 2014 | Before Coffee, Inspirations, Jack Kirby
This past Saturday I had the pleasure of driving to New York City to see the “KING KIRBY” play at “The Brick” theater in Brooklyn. A few weeks ago my pal Lucky the Painproof Man shared the kickstarter link with me and I told my girlfriend...
by DJ Coffman | Jun 9, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Making Comics, We Are Comics
Ally and I are are super stoked to be officially attending San Diego Comicon and will be signing our new book, The God Child #1. Look for us Friday-Sunday at the Keenspot booth. (It’s between Marvel and Image) We also have a few other announcements to make...
by DJ Coffman | Apr 29, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Inspirations, Making Comics, We Are Comics
Over the weekend writer Ally Monroe found the We Are Comics campaign and we were wondering what it was about and stumbled into the controversy surrounding the comic reviewer (Janelle Asselin) who posted a well deserved scathing critique over on CBR of the new Teen...
by DJ Coffman | Apr 21, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, discovery, Inspirations, The God Child
Hey, let’s blog about some stuff! Thought it might be cool to share some new things I’ve discovered that are making life more awesome. White Rabbit and The Hive On a Saturday afternoon a couple weeks ago Ally and I took a walk up to the White Rabbit Cafe...
by DJ Coffman | Apr 4, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Making Comics, The God Child, Webcomics
Monday, April 7th we launch our new comic, THE GOD CHILD over at Head over there if you’d like to know a little more about it. Behind the scenes I’ve been creating this series with writer Ally Monroe since January under our newly formed...