by DJ Coffman | Mar 22, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Inspirations, Making Comics, Uncategorized, Webcomics
Pardon my dust while I mess around with a new website design. I plan on blogging a lot more again and showing off some of what we’ve been up to behind the scenes. I’ve been working non-stop on not only our new comic project, but also building out multiple...
by DJ Coffman | Mar 17, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Inspirations, Jack Kirby, Making Comics, Webcomics
One of my greatest weaknesses is probably seeing the best in people, when when they’ve let me down. It’s probably the main reason I had made poor choices in the past with business deals I made, or failures in friendships or my marriage. Surely this nice...
by DJ Coffman | Mar 3, 2014 | Before Coffee, Making Comics, Uncategorized
My hiatus is over. I just completed pencils & inks on my first 22 page issue in a very long time. Six years? I know this might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it was a big milestone and hurdle for me to break through and out of some sort of creative...
by DJ Coffman | Feb 19, 2013 | Before Coffee
1) Look the audience in the eye and speak from the heart 2) You have to go away to come back 3) If anyone ever tells you to keep a secret, that secret is a lie
by DJ Coffman | Apr 21, 2012 | Before Coffee, Hero By Night, Inspirations, Webcomics
I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt this hopeful and excited for the future of comics. For quite a while doom and gloom has been written on many walls, from the syndicated comic industry, the comic book industry, as sales and distribution of print has...