by DJ Coffman | Apr 19, 2012 | video
Inspired by what Mark Waid and his gang are doing with Thrillbent and Marvel Infinite comics. Very exciting time to rethink the future of sequential art. Head over to the forums to join the conversation.
by DJ Coffman | Apr 16, 2012 | Before Coffee, video
My new graphic novel from SmarterComics. Great stuff! Use it!
by DJ Coffman | Jan 10, 2012 | Before Coffee, Hero By Night, Inspirations, Jack Kirby
It’s been a while since I wrote about how much I LOVE comics. Regardless of the ups and downs of a career in them, it’s the craft that really matters to me, and more and more over time as I get older. The comic book industry is really shaky right now. I...
by DJ Coffman | Dec 30, 2011 | Before Coffee
Geez. So much has happened this year. Read my thoughts after the jump… In 2011 I resolved early on to just step into the unknown and fully embrace it. I wouldn’t struggle against any currents. My personal life…. Things on the homefront are better...
by DJ Coffman | Dec 23, 2011 | Before Coffee, Hero By Night, Making Comics, Webcomics
This ought to bring smiles to a bunch of fans… The rumors are true… Hero By Night is back. I’ve written a detailed account over HERE. But the basics are that I’ve moved it to Keenspot. In a nutshell, I’m...