by DJ Coffman | Dec 19, 2011 | Before Coffee, Fitness
People have PM’d me to ask how my workout/diet is going, so here’s an update… I’m down 12lbs since I started actively making better decisions. I wasn’t able to stick to P90X religiously, mostly because some of the workouts are too long...
by DJ Coffman | Nov 4, 2011 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks
(the following is a snippit from my recent e-mail to the “AWESOME LIST” which is for Coaching Clients of “Cash For Cartoonists” If you’d like to get on the Awesome List see the directions after article!) For those that are pressed for...
by DJ Coffman | Oct 31, 2011 | Before Coffee
Coming very soon (and actually available on the Android Market already, Kindle in a few days) is my “Law of Attraction” graphic novel for SmarterComics. You can use this method of thinking to literally attract ANYTHING you want into your life. Also a...
by DJ Coffman | Oct 23, 2011 | Before Coffee, Making Comics
Guess what? My new comic strip will be launching on Halloween! See details here – and be sure to sign up for the free drink!!!
by DJ Coffman | Sep 23, 2011 | Before Coffee, Making Comics, Uncategorized
This is an ongoing blog series as I develop my new comic strip, Trader Don’s. Today I’m going to talk about website development. If you missed the other articles, here they be! Part One: What’s in a Name, Introduction to Developing a Comic Strip Part...