by DJ Coffman | Oct 30, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Inspirations, Jack Kirby, Making Comics, We Are Comics, Work
It’s early. Ally has packed up her munchkins and headed off to work. Today I don’t have to be in to my day job until 10am, although I usually go in early because I love my job and the folks there. But this morning I have some sketching to do for a spell....
by DJ Coffman | Oct 29, 2014 | Before Coffee, Marvel Comics, Satire
Ally says to me… “Hey, I just saw on Facebook that HULK has a beard???” Lo and behold he does indeed have beard and a fantastic mustache to match. But I couldn’t help but think…. what the heck is up with his hand??? I know, I know, the...
by DJ Coffman | Sep 30, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Making Comics
“We’ve been in this hustle called comics for a long long time.”- Ed Piskor, upon being being introduced to Ally at Pittsburgh Comicon. It’s been a busy summer and early fall. We’re pretty much done with comic conventions for the year...
by DJ Coffman | Jul 10, 2014 | Appearances, Before Coffee, Comeback, discovery
SOLID BLOG Appearances Read Latest Comic Tweet @djcoffman Here is a list of my 2016 Convention Appearances. Generally I will draw live art requests and sketch covers at the shows. If you wold like to arrange a commission ahead of time, please e-mail me for details....
by DJ Coffman | Jun 22, 2014 | Before Coffee, Inspirations, Jack Kirby
This past Saturday I had the pleasure of driving to New York City to see the “KING KIRBY” play at “The Brick” theater in Brooklyn. A few weeks ago my pal Lucky the Painproof Man shared the kickstarter link with me and I told my girlfriend...
by DJ Coffman | Jun 9, 2014 | Before Coffee, Comeback, Making Comics, We Are Comics
Ally and I are are super stoked to be officially attending San Diego Comicon and will be signing our new book, The God Child #1. Look for us Friday-Sunday at the Keenspot booth. (It’s between Marvel and Image) We also have a few other announcements to make...